Volume 56 No.4 - 2010-12-31

Pei-Lin Tien and the Development of the Graduate Institute of Education at National Taiwan Normal University in the Early Period (1954-1975)


Yi-Huang Shih and Jiao Ou-Yang / 施宜煌、歐陽教
Pei-Lin Tien, educational love, education, the Graduate Institute of Education at National Taiwan Normal University / 田培林、教育愛、教育學、臺灣師範大學教育研究所
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
With regard to the study of education in Taiwan, the Graduate Institute of Education (GIE) at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) has undoubtedly played a significant role in its development. The founder Pei-Lin Tien made various contributions to the GIE. By reviewing and analyzing historical works, this essay explores Pei-Lin Tien and the early development of the GIE (1954-1975) in an attempt to understand their relationship. Furthermore, by knowing how Pei-Lin Tien founded the GIE, it is hoped an idea of the development of the GIE, an important research center of education can be gained and thus increase the understanding of educational development in Taiwan. Five main facts are analyzed in this study. First, “research” was an important aspect of the early development of the GIE. Second, with respect to the focus on research, philosophy and history of education were emphasized. Third, scholars with different specialties were invited to teach the students at the GIE. Fourth, the quality of the students must be excellent. Fifth, Pei-Lin Tien put educational love into practice, and such practice positively affected early GIE development (1954-1975).

APA 格式
施宜煌 、歐陽教(Yi-Huang Shih , Jiao Ou-Yang)(2010年12月31日),〈田培林與臺灣師範大學教育研究所的早期發展(1954-1975)〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年02月09日取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?mode=detail&id=1244


MLA 格式
施宜煌 、歐陽教(Yi-Huang Shih , Jiao Ou-Yang),〈田培林與臺灣師範大學教育研究所的早期發展(1954-1975)〉。《教育研究集刊》第 56 期(2010),取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?mode=detail&id=1244
