Volume 59 No.1 - 2013-03-31

The 40-year Research Trends of the Journal of Moral Education and Its Implications on Taiwanese Education


Chi-Ming Angela Lee / 李琪明
Journal of Moral Education, moral education, research trends, Taiwanese education / 研究趨勢、道德教育、道德教育期刊、臺灣教育
  • Summary
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  • Reference
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The Journal of Moral Education (JME) plays a central role in the research and development of moral education all over the world. Starting in England in 1971, the JME has been in publication for over 40 years and enjoys international readership. This study analyzed 945 articles published in the JME from 1971 to 2011 in order to understand the research trends of moral education and their implications on Taiwanese education. The purposes of this paper were: 1) to understand theoretical bases of the JME articles over the past 40 years; 2) to understand key topics of the JME articles over the past 40 years; 3) to understand the research methodology of the JME articles over the past 40 years; 4) to understand the relationship between theoretical bases and research methodology of the JME articles over the past 40 years; and 5) to provide reflections on and suggestions for Taiwanese education based on the findings of this paper. The method of content analysis was employed to identify the aforementioned themes and implications and suggestions for research and development of moral education are offered.
《道德教育期刊》(The Journal of Moral Education, JME)是國際間道德教育研究與發展的重要交流平台,自1971年於英國創刊並逐步成為全球性刊物,迄今恰逢40年餘。本文藉由檢視該期刊1971至2011年間,共計945篇研究論文,希冀對於道德教育研究的重點及其趨勢有所了解,同時將此成果轉化為對於我國道德教育研究與發展的啟示。本研究目的乃針對JME 40年間內容:一是探究其研究內容的理論重點;二是探究其研究內容的主題焦點;三是探究其研究內容的研究方法;四是探究其研究內容的理論重點本身及其與研究方法之間的關係;五是藉由其研究重點與趨勢,對我國道德教育研究與發展有所啟發與建議。本研究主要採用內容分析法,透過團隊合作進行類目表的編碼評分與統計分析,並將各項研究結果加以詮釋與批判,且與數十年來我國道德教育研究與實踐經驗相互對照,最後提出若干反思與建議。

APA 格式
李琪明(2013年03月31日),〈《道德教育期刊》創刊40年之研究趨勢及其對我國教育啟示 〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月26日取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?mode=detail&id=1289


MLA 格式
李琪明,〈《道德教育期刊》創刊40年之研究趨勢及其對我國教育啟示 〉。《教育研究集刊》第 59 期(2013),取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?mode=detail&id=1289
