Volume 62 No.3 - 2016-09-30

A Study on the Educataional Experiences of Chinese Diplomats in Britain Before 1894


Yu-Wen Chou / 周愚文
British education, diplomats, educational borrowing, late Ch’ing / 外交官、英國教育、晚清、教育借入
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
The westernization of Chinese education was emerged since late Ch’ing, however the acquaintance with the British education was after the establishment of envoy in 1876. The aim of this paper is to inquire the educational experiences of seven Chinese diplomats in Britain before 1894. Their diaries and notebooks were analyzed. The main findings are as follows. Elementary and secondary schools, universities and colleges, naval academy, girl’s school, vocational school and teacher training school were introduced, and most of them were located in England. Only two diplomats knew English, so others needed translators’ help when they visited schools, therefore there was the difference of understanding among the same thing. Most records were published before 1894, and some were read by successive diplomats. Because the anti-westerners atmosphere was severe, those diplomats’ experiences about British education were difficult to be introduced to inspire the reform in Ch’ing China. From the viewpoint of educational transfer theory, those experiences might be explained as the brewing of educational borrowing.

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