Volume 64 No.3 - 2018-09-30

Resolving Political Disagreement: Reflecting on High School Curriculum Guideline Adjustment Policyfrom A. Gutmann’s Democratic Education

教育政治歧見之處理: 由A. Gutmann民主教育觀點反思 高中課綱微調爭議與出路

王麗雲、賴彥全 / 王麗雲、賴彥全
A. Gutmann, public deliberation, democratic education, politics of education, curriculum decision-making / A. Gutmann、公共思辨、民主教育、教育政治、課程決定
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
In 2014, High School Curriculum Guideline Adjustment has become a national controversial issue with furious legal and historical debates. The issues that have emerged include the content of curriculum, procedures for curriculum decision-making, and the authority of curriculum decision-making. Rather than focusing on the legal and historical dimensions of the debates, this paper focuses on the political dimension of curriculum decision using Amy Gutmann’s Democratic Education Theory. Under the assumption of conscious social reproduction and following the rule of non- discrimination and non-repression, this paper discusses how political disagreement about curriculum should be handled. Cultivating the ability of public deliberation and public participation is critical for a democratic society and should be included in education.
2014年高中課綱微調爭議成為全國焦點,法律與歷史攻防鬧得沸沸揚揚,對 於課程內容、課程決定的程序、課程決定的權威,都有對立與激烈的討論。本 文跳脫法律與歷史爭議,由政治面出發,討論教育政治歧見的處理方式。教育內 容常位於政治十字路口,如何在嚴重歧見中繼續教育下一代,實為重要議題。本 文以A. Gutmann的民主教育理論為架構,在有意識社會再製的前提下,根據不壓 迫與不歧視原則,分析課程綱要歧見的處理方式。由程序面、內容面、決定權威 面,討論課程綱要的決定原則。而回到教育面,更重要的是培育學生進行公共思 辨與公共參與的能力,以踐行民主社會。

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