Volume 66 No.2 - 2020-06-30

The Rare Difference Between Animals and Humans? On Derrida’s Animal Ethics and Its Educational Significance

人之異於禽獸幾希? Derrida動物倫理探討與教育深義

Ruyu Hung / 洪如玉
Derrida, Heidegger, Levinas, humanism, anthropocentrism / 德里達、海德格、列維納斯、人本主義、人類中心主義
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This paper aims to discuss Derrida’s animal ethics and its profound educational implications. Derrida’s philosophy of animality begins at questioning humanism or anthropocentrism in Heidegger and Levinas. Although the critique of humanism plays an important part in Heidegger and Levinas, Derrida sees the profound humanism hidden in both of them. Derrida shows seminal ideas on humanity and the relationship between humans and animals in his philosophy of animality, which is not merely conceptual but also practical regarding education and ethico-political reality. This paper consists of five sections: section one is the introduction; section two discusses Heidegger’s view about humanism and Derrida’s challenge; section three explores Levinas’ ethics and Derrida’s critical extension; section four turns to the aspects of education and ethico-politics by using Derrida’ view of animality; and the final section concludes Derrida’s animal ethics with the idea of following animals as the starting point of the ethics of respect for the other.
本文主旨在於探討解構哲學家Derrida的動物倫理思想,以及內含深刻的教育 哲學蘊義。Derrida的動物哲學起點在於質疑Heidegger與Levinas的人本主義,然 而Heidegger與Levinas哲學重點之一在於批判傳統人本主義,換言之,Derrida認 為Heidegger與Levinas雖批判傳統人本主義,但仍然保有人類中心主義的內核。 Derrida的批判包含著對人性本質之深刻反思,顯示出對於人與動物關係的另類思 考,此解構取向的動物思想並非只是個純概念遊戲,在教育與倫理政治學上有相 當程度的回應,整體而言,本文共分為五節,第一節為前言;第二節探討Derrida 對於Heidegger存有論人類中心 主義的批判;第三節為Derrida對於Levinas倫理學 之人類中心主義的批判;第四節探討Derrida動物倫理之教育反思及其在倫理政治 面向的意義;第五節以「跟隨(動物)倫理為尊重他者教育之起點」作為Derrida 動物倫理之結語。

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