Volume 56 No.3 - 2010-09-30

Teacher Education in Finland: The Researchbased Paradigm and Curricular Praxis


Yuan-Her Robin Hwang and Bih-Jen Fwu / 黃源河、符碧真
Finland, teacher education, research-based paradigm, practitioner research, comparative teacher education / 芬蘭、師資培育、研究為基礎派典、教學實務研究、比較師資培育
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
Finnish students have outperformed their international counterparts in three consecutive PISA’s competitions since 2000. Educational researchers from more than50 countries have visited Finland for observation and tried to delve into the reasons behind Finnish miracle. Educators have indicated that teachers play an essential role, although there are other reasons for such success. Particularly, the key is the Research-based teacher education paradigm which is based on a bottom-up, grass-roots professional approach. This study intends to investigate the Finnish teacher educational programs responsible for education the teachers which allow for the excellent performance of Finnish students. At first, the theoretical foundation and curricular praxis of the Research-based teacher education paradigm are introduced. Then, the relationship between grass-roots professionalism and the Research-based paradigm is explored. Finally, the results are drawn upon to point out theoretical and practical implications for further thoughts about teacher education in Taiwan.
自2000 年起,芬蘭學生在國際PISA 閱讀、數學與科學的競賽中,一連三屆穩佔鰲頭。芬蘭學生傑出的表現吸引全球五十多個國家的教育家前往考察,學者指出,芬蘭教育成功因素固然很多,但是特別強調教師居功厥偉,尤其是奠基於由下到上草根性專業主義的以「研究為基礎」的師資培育更是關鍵。本文旨在探討芬蘭學生傑出表現背後的芬蘭師資培育,首先闡述研究為基礎師資培育的立論基礎與課程教學實踐,繼而探究其與草根性教師專業主義的關係,最後由理論及實務論述提出可供我國借鏡之處。

APA 格式
黃源河 、符碧真(Yuan-HerRobin Hwang , Bih-Jen Fwu)(2010年09月30日),〈芬蘭師資培育:研究為基礎的派典與課程實踐 〉。《教育研究集刊》,2014年01月25日取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?id=1241&mode=detail


MLA 格式
黃源河 、符碧真(Yuan-HerRobin Hwang , Bih-Jen Fwu),〈芬蘭師資培育:研究為基礎的派典與課程實踐 〉。《教育研究集刊》第 56 期(2010),取自:http://bulletin-en.ed.ntnu.edu.tw/bookindex/?id=1241&mode=detail
