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A2:Please check the Taiwan Electronic Journal Database at National Central Library for those author-authorized, non-profit articles that can be obtained for free. Additionally, you may purchase articles via Higher Education Publishing.
Q3:What is the corresponding publication information of Bulletin of Educational Research?
A3:Editorial: Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University.
Address:162, Ho-Ping E. Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei, 106 Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-77343892
Publisher: Higher Education Publishing
Address: 10F, #12, Goan-Chian Rd., Taipei, 100, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-23885899
Fax: 886-2-23880877
ISSN: 1814-4810
Q1:Where is the information for Contributors?
A1:Please check the information provided for contributors, which includes the basic submission and review process information.
Q2:Who are the current editors at the Bulletin of Educational?
A2:Please check with the Editorial Board.
Q3:Does the Bulletin of Educational Research accept submissionsin the form of hardcopies?
A3:We only accept the submission and reviewing process through the online channel.
On-Line Submission Website:http://jrs.edubook.com.tw/BER/index_login.zul
Q4:What citation and referential format does the Bulletin of Educational Research follow?
A4:The Bulletin of Educational Research follows the sixth version of the American Psychology Association Publication Manual.