Volume 62 No.4 - 2016-12-31

Using TIMSS data to Investigate Rural-urban Differences of Taiwanese Eighth Graders’ Mathematics Achievement from 2003 to 2011


Che-Di Lee / 李哲迪
Rural-urban gap, Mathematics achievement, Junior high school / 城鄉差異、數學成就、國中
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This study explored Taiwanese eighth graders’ mathematics achievement differences between town and urban areas and between rural and urban areas by TIMSS 2003 to 2011 data. Through recentered influence function regression analysis, the study found that there were significant widening differences between town students’ achievement and urban students’ from 2007 to 2011 due to the improvement of urban students’ achievement. In 2011, low ranking urban students with low home-education-resources had improved achievement and their distribution’s left tail was shortened; middle and high ranking urban students with high home-education-resources had improved achievement and their distribution was stretched to the right. In 2011, town and rural students lagged urban students for 0.45 and 0.57 standard deviation on average, half of which was caused by the town-urban and rural-urban differences of home-education-resources. Using the intermediate international benchmark of TIMSS as the basic achievement line, in 2011, the lagging student ratios of urban, town, and rural were 5%, 13%, and 16%. For students with insufficient home-education-resources, the town-urban and rural-urban differences in the lagging student ratio were worse. For urban, town, and rural area, the lagging students’ achievement gaps from the basic achievement line had no significant differences.
本研究利用TIMSS 2003、2007及2011資料,分析臺灣八年級學生數學成就的城鎮都市間和鄉村都市間差異。透過再中心化影響函數迴歸分析,研究發現城鎮都市間成就差異從2007至2011年有顯著的擴大;此擴大是因都市學生成就提高所致。在2011年,都市低家庭教育資源後段學生成就進步,成就分布左側長尾縮短;都市高家庭教育資源中前段學生成就進步,成就分布向右拉長。在2011年,城鎮和鄉村學生平均而言落後都市學生0.45和0.57個標準差,約一半是家庭教育資源城鄉差距所造成的。以TIMSS中級國際基準點作為基礎成就線,在2011年,落後人數比在都市、城鎮和鄉村分別是5%、13%和16%。家庭教育資源不足之學生,其落後人數比的城鄉差距較為嚴重。落後學生落後基礎成就線的幅度無城鄉差異。

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