Through Vico’s “Inaugural Orations” and his relevant writings, this study aimed to
examine his thoughts on university education. Vico used “self-knowledge” as the entry
point into the academic world, with a goal towards developing a “heroic mind,” a mind
that could distinguish good from evil, regard for honor and sincerity, express solicitude
for the well-being of human beings, and create knowledge. To achieve this goal,
students need to understand their relationship with the universe, country, and others, to
be aware of their own corruptive and divine characters, to learn from liberal arts and
sciences to build up systemic knowledge, and to acquire the Wisdom of God to develop
lofty minds that care for all creatures and well-fare of mankind. Although Vico’s
educational thoughts, which encompassed liberal traditions, religions, and collectivist
consciousness, were not seen as systematic, his orations on the divine mind and
sublime horizon could be a firm foundation for teaching, research, and service in a
modern university.
本文透過 Giambattista Vico 的九次演講內容及相關著作來掌握他的大學教育
思想。本研究指出,Vico 以「認識自己」做為學生的學習起點,而將培育「英雄
善發展,才能運用這種崇高的心靈來關懷萬物、為人類謀福祉。Vico 的大學教育