The civil servant examination system in imperial China was started in the Sui
Dynasty and abolished in the late Ching Dynasty in 1905. It was thought that the system
would not influence scholars any longer. However, such kind of daily teaching
and learning at schools of Taiwan and China is still conditioned and dominated by the
examination system.
The main purpose of this paper is to inquire the three important issues of the civil
servant examination system in imperial China through modern viewpoints. The three
issues are discussed one by one, including imbalanced supply and demand of schooling,
the function of examination for promoting social mobility, and the possibility of abolishing
social selection by open examinations.
From the study, it is found that the emphasis of social equality, the scarcity of social
resources, and the imbalance of supply and demand in human resources still exist
in Taiwan and China. Therefore, it is considered that such kind of open examination
system similar to the civil servant examination will still be existent in Chinese society
中國科舉制度起於隋而終於晚清,當 1905 年上諭廢科舉時,世人以為影響士