Volume 53 No.3 - 2007-09-30

The Issues of Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Rural Junior High Schools and Related Educational Policies: A Preliminary Investigation

偏遠國中教育機會不均等問題 與相關教育政策初探

Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen / 甄曉蘭
School Ecology, Equality of Educational Opportunity, Curricular Practice, Rural School Education / 學校生態、教育機會均等、課程實踐、偏遠學校教育
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
With the aim of exploring the degree to which the policy of “equality of educational opportunity” has really been implemented in Taiwan’s rural schools, the researcher conducted a two-year (8/1/2004~7/31/2006), large-scale field study, designed to analyze the curricular/pedagogical practices and educational opportunities in rural junior-high schools in Taiwan. In order to gain a holistic understanding, research methods applied in this study include analysis of documents concerned with relevant policies as well as a questionnaire survey, regional focus-group interviews, actual site visits, and in-depth investigative interviews of the school ecology. In this paper, only some of the findings of the study are reported. The results discussed here mainly concern the barriers to educational opportunity in rural junior high schools, including contextual, fiscal, staffing, and pedagogical barriers. Also, related polices are reviewed and suggestions are provided regarding personnel structure, school expenditures, curricula and instruction, and school-community partnerships.
為瞭解偏遠地區學校實踐教育機會均等的情形,本研究特別針對全國偏遠地 區之國民中學,進行為期2年(2004/8/1至2006/7/31)的調查研究,以期掌握偏 遠地區國民中學的課程實踐生態及其學生所享有的教育機會。第一年主要採用問 卷調查方式,來瞭解各縣市偏遠地區國中的教育現況,第二年則以分區座談及實 地調查方法,走訪各縣市偏遠地區國民中學,藉以進一步瞭解偏遠地區國中的課 程實踐生態,以及相關政策對偏遠地區課程實踐的助益與限制。根據研究初步探 索結果,本文先從學校課程實踐生態角度,分析討論偏遠國中所存在的教學條件 不利因素和教育機會不均等問題,包括:學校脈絡環境不佳,學生組成居學力競 爭劣勢;經費資源環境不穩,課程與教學改進的方案推展有限;人力資源環境不 足,行政、教學皆沈重困頓;課程實踐環境不利,難以提供高品質學習機會與經 驗。最後,從師資結構、經費預算、課程與教學及社區營造等層面,對相關教育 政策提出檢討與建議。