Volume 51 No.3 - 2005-09-30

Reconstructing the 1934-1937 Debate over Modern China’s Philosophy of Education

待完成的教育哲學體系 重建 1934到 1937年中國教育哲學 發展史上的一段論爭

Mei-Yao Wu / 吳美瑤
Dewey、 Kilpatrick / educational philosophy, pedagogy, Chinese educational philosophy, Wu Junsheng, Jiang Qi, Chang Junmai, John Dewey, W. H. Kilpatrick / 教育哲學、教育學、中國教育哲學、吳俊升、姜琦、張君勱
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
The focus of this article is to reconstruct the debates concerning the development of Chinese educational philosophy between 1934 and 1937. The process of development of these debates is broken down into four stages, which are then analyzed one by one. Several questions historical researchers have been arguing about are discussed, and some suggestions are offered. By describing the process of development of the debates and reflecting on the key issues, the author tries to look at the 1934-1937 debate from a fresh perspective. The ultimate goal of the article is to shed new light on the current state of educational philosophy, particularly in China and Taiwan.
本文試圖重建 1934 年到 1937 年間,有關中國教育哲學發展的論爭過程,並 指出當時爭論的一些問題焦點。首先,分為四個部分說明這段論爭過程:一、新 教育哲學方向的探索;二、文化整合的教育哲學與救國主義式的教育哲學;三、 美國實用主義教育哲學家(例如 J. Dewey、W. H. Kilpatrick 等)的意見;四、以 一種救國主義式的教育哲學為終結。其次,試圖從學者們所爭論的幾個問題做進 一步的反思。從理論建構與社會現實之間的關係、教育哲學是一種哲學的教育學 或是教育的哲學以及其所建構的理論是一種民族主義式的教育哲學,或是一種普遍 性的教育哲學等問題進行討論。最後,本文希望能夠透過對這段論爭過程的說明 以及其中所爭議的幾個問題進行反省,以期能對今日教育哲學的研究,提供一些 新的啟示。