Volume 65 No.4 - 2019-12-31

The Instruction of Visual-Empowerment on the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy: A Case Study on the Practice of Self-filming Workshop among Southeast Asian Migrant Workers


Wan-Ching Ke / 柯妧青
critical pedagogy, self-filming as empowerment, Southeast Asian migrant workers, self-representation / 自我再現、批判識讀教育、東南亞移工、影像培力
  • Summary
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  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
Based on my concerns about subjectivity and representation of “non-mainstream” communities, the “self-filming” workshop, my being participated with six Southeast Asian migrant workers, has been my critical-oriented case study aimed to explore how the video production can help marginalized others empower and voice for themselves. And these six Filipino factory workers are definitely reported in the article. My research findings are as the followings. Firstly, each of migrant worker’s difference reveals some perceived self-awareness and sensibilities. Subsequently, critical-literacy theory, as my research methodology that emphasized on “problem-posing” and “dialogue”, could guide the Southeast Asian migrant workers to raise their consciousness of subjectivity at life-experience-based film works and to inspire them to establish alternative perspectives via self-looking and critical-thinking ways. And finally, the films could be presented exactly as high-cultural and dialogue-valued texts.
基於個人核心關懷,研究者參與一項「東南亞移工自拍影片工作坊」計畫, 教導移工拍攝「第一人稱」影片自我發聲,並蒐集資料以探究批判識讀教育理 論如何實踐於影像培力教學。研究對象為研究者所指導的六位參與自拍課程之 菲律賓籍加工區女作業員。研究發現,移工的感知與覺察力雖有差別,以提問 (problem-posing)及對話(dialogue)方式引導其透過生命經驗與個人故事進行 反身性思考,確能呈現具主體性的對話文本;自我觀看方式的影片製作歷經「啟 動思考」、「產生想法」、「形成概念」、「產製意義」動態循環,啟發移工於 自我再現的過程中自我整理與深度思考,建構具批判反思力的影音文本,展現其 能動性。

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