Guidelines for the Submission of Manuscripts to the Bulletin of Educational Research (Effective from July 1, 2021)

Guidelines for the Submission of Manuscripts to the Bulletin of Educational Research (Effective from July 1, 2021)


Latest amendment passed during the Editorial Board Committee Meeting on 2021.02.18


I.        The journal focuses on educational research, as well as theories and issues in education, and is included in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) , and Scopus、DOAJ、EBSCO、ProQuest, etc International database. We welcome all paper submissions. 

II.       Four issues of the journal are published every year, in March, June, September, and December. "Research Articles" and "Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries" from the disciplines of curriculum and teaching, educational administration and policy, educational philosophy, and educational sociology are accepted for all issues. Papers on topics which can lead to educational innovation are especially welcome.

To diversify the types of papers published in the journal and to promote academic exchange, a "Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries" category will be added from issue 63-2. The same academic standards and review process will apply for both "Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries" and "Research Articles." The only difference is the content to be reviewed.

III.     Manuscript Category:

(I)      Research Articles:

Mainly the results of original research.


(II)    Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries:

Discussions on the latest developments in specific topics or introductory concepts, including reports on the results of empirical studies, discussions on theoretical or methodological topics, systematic and comprehensive reviews of specific research topics, and discussions on teaching research methodologies in the fields of education, etc.

IV.    The editorial board of the journal invites scholars from various fields to submit book reviews and discussions of research issues. Books reviewed should have been published within the last five years, while the research topics discussed should be related to emerging issues and trends in education research. The submissions will in principle be invited papers.

V.      The journal accepts paper submissions year round. Review of the manuscript will be carried out upon submission. In principle, the feedback of the initial review will be sent to the author within six months from the initial submission.

VI.     For special issues or commemorative issues, the editorial board of the journal will announce a public call for papers or invite prestigious scholars in a particular field to write papers. The manuscripts will be handled according to the relevant guidelines of the journal.

VII.    Manuscript Writing Style

(I)      The manuscript should be typed horizontally. For manuscripts in Chinese: the character count for "Research Articles" is under 25,000 words in principle; for "Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries," it is under 15,000 characters in principle. For manuscripts in English: the word count for "Research Articles" is under 8,000 words in principle; for "Research Notes/Scholarly Commentaries," it is under 5,000 words in principle (including the abstract in Chinese and English, footnotes, references, appendices, tables, figures, etc.).

(II)    Contributors should 

  1. Upload the manuscript to the online submission system, using a file format which is compatible with MS Word. The website is:
  2. The contributor's "personal information sheet" must also be separately e-mailed to the journal at: (Please download the information sheet from the journal website : )

(III)  For manuscript submissions, please include an abstract in both Chinese and English. The Chinese abstract must not exceed 350 characters, and the English abstract must not exceed 200 words. Please also list three to five keywords in both Chinese and English.

(IV)  The order of the manuscript should be as follows: Chinese abstract, English abstract, body of the text (please use in-text citations for annotations), reference list, appendix. If the manuscript contains an acknowledgment, only add it after the manuscript has been accepted for publication and place it after the body of the text. The length of the acknowledgment should not exceed 60 words.

(V)   All submissions are anonymous; no personal information should appear in the body of the text or in the Chinese or English abstracts. If the identity of the author is revealed, the manuscript will be rejected.

(VI)  The annotations and reference list of the manuscript should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (APA). If the manuscript fails to meet this requirement, the journal may reject the manuscript or request the author to revise the manuscript and resubmit it. Manuscripts in other foreign languages may be submitted in the original form without translation into Chinese or English.

(VII)  If the submitted manuscript is a rewritten master’s or doctoral thesis, once accepted for publication, this should be indicated by inclusion of a statement to the effect of: "This paper is a rewritten version of my master’s/doctoral thesis. Advisor: Professor ___."

(VIII)  If the paper is co-authored, the co-authors must be placed in sequence according to the proportion of contribution, along with an indication of the proportion of each co-author’s contribution.

(IX)    Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author is required to submit an English translation of any items in Chinese included in the reference list. The guidelines are as follows:

  1. As shown in the example, the English translation of each Chinese reference should be placed in "[]" and placed beneath the corresponding Chinese reference.
  2.  If the Chinese reference does not have an English translation, the author can use transliterations or semantic translations.
  3. For the format of the references translated into English, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). 

 Examples of Chinese references translated into English:


【Technological and Vocational Colleges Admission Union (2009). The admission union’s general regulation of application to 4-year institutes in 2009. Taipei, Taiwan: Author.】


【Guo, T.-Y. (1990). An introduction to Taiwan’s history. Taipei, Taiwan: Cheng Chung.】


【Tseng, P.-Y., & Chen, S.-L. (2010). A study of the growth process and teaching difficulties of college students when beginning their remedial teaching. Bulletin of Educational Research, 56(3), 67-103.】

VIII.  If the manuscript passes the pre-review, the author should pay a review fee of NT$2,000 per article. Manuscripts that have not been paid for by the authors will not be processed for external review.

IX.  Once the submitted manuscript has entered the initial review stage, no additions or amendments by the author will be permitted.

X.    All submissions should adhere to the standards of academic ethics. Should a manuscript be submitted to multiple journals, or be found to have infringed upon any copyrighted materials, the author will be liable for any legal consequences arising therefrom. Furthermore, the journal will not accept any manuscript submissions from the offending author for a period of two years.

XI.     An anonymous review system is used by the journal. Two scholars or experts in the relevant field will be appointed as reviewers by the editorial board of the journal. When a revision of a manuscript has been requested by the review committee, the author is required to revise the manuscript accordingly, based on which the editorial committee will determine if the paper will be published.

XII.    Due to editorial needs, the journal reserves the right to shorten the content of manuscripts accepted for publication.

XIII.   After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author shall pay a publication fee of NT$2,000 per article. Manuscripts of which the authors do not complete the payment process will not be published.

XIV.   Once the manuscript has been published, the copyright will then belong to the journal. If the paper is to be reproduced elsewhere, the consent of the journal must first be obtained. The journal will send three copies of the issue containing the paper to the author (if the paper has been co-authored by two or more people, a maximum of ten copies will be given per paper) free of charge.

XV.   Manuscript Withdrawal Principles

(I)      Should the author request to withdraw the submitted manuscript, the request must be presented formally in writing and sent via post or e-mail to the journal. A confirmation of the manuscript’s withdrawal will be sent to the author upon receipt of the written withdrawal request.

(II)    To avoid wasting the journal’s limited resources, if the author requests to withdraw the submitted manuscript during the review stage, the journal will not accept any subsequent manuscript submissions from the author for a period of two years.

(III)  If a revision of the manuscript has been requested by the journal, the author must complete the revision and resubmit the manuscript to the journal within the time limit given; failure to do so will be deemed as a withdrawal of the manuscript by the author.

(IV)  If more time is needed due to major revisions to the manuscript, the author is required to formally submit a written application for an extension of the revision deadline to the editorial board, which will only come into effect once confirmed by the journal. Failure to complete the revisions before the deadline will be deemed as a withdrawal of the manuscript by the author.

XVI.   These Guidelines have been implemented after being proposed and passed at the Editorial Board Committee Meeting. The same applies to all subsequent amendments.