Volume 69 No.3 now is available online!

Volume 69 No.3 now is available online!


Research Papers


Re-reforming School System in Early Republican China: Re-inquiring the Promulgation of New School System 1922


作 者:Yu-Wen Chou / 周愚文


An Analysis on the Competency-Oriented Integrated Curriculum of the International Baccalaureate Organization's “Individuals and Societies” Textbooks


作 者:Meihui Liu, Li-Ching Hung, Li-Ping Wang / 劉美慧、洪麗卿、王俐蘋


Systematic Pressures of Students in the Gifted Class: From the Underachievers’ Perspectives


作 者:Wen-Hsiu Wu, Jeng-Yi Tzeng / 吳玟秀、曾正宜


Book Review


Book Review: How Schools Do Policy: Policy Enactments in Secondary Schools


作 者:Hung-Chang Chen / 陳宏彰