Volume 52 No.2 - 2006-06-30

Pedagogical Practice and Student Identity: The Comparison of an Art Class and a Regular Class in a Junior High School

教學實踐與學生身分認同⎯⎯ 國中美術班與普通班的比較

Yin-Hung Hsu / 許殷宏
ability grouping by art, pedagogical practice, identity / 藝能編班、教學實踐、身分認同
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
This study focuses on how teachers exert an influence on students’ identity formation and future development through their pedagogical strategies, classroom interaction with students, behavior management and student-teacher relationships. Students in an art class in a junior high school in Taipei County were compared with students in a regular class in the same school and same grade. Observations, interviews and document analysis were employed. Teachers were found to have different expectations for students in the two classes. Students in the art class were regarded as being college-bound and highly regarded in every respect. Their counterparts in the regular class, in contrast, were only asked to behave themselves; they were considered relatively passive and lacking in self-confidence. In consequence, students in the art class had a higher degree of self-esteem and self-confidence; students in the regular class appeared less optimistic, with a lower level of motivation. As for career planning, students in the art class had a clear goal: to attend public senior high schools; students in the regular class were only expected by their teachers to have hands-on skills and to go to vocational schools.
本文旨在分析教師如何透過不同的教學理念、課堂互動、行為管理、師生關 係等,影響學生的自我能力觀與未來發展,藉此探討教學實踐與學生身分認同的 關係。經驗研究資料主要來自臺北縣一所設立美術班的國中,同時選取另一普通 班級作為參照,透過觀察、訪談與文件調查等方式蒐集資料。研究結果發現,任 課教師對於兩班學生的期許與要求有所不同,導致學生能力表現與評價產生差 異。在身分認同的建構過程中,美術班對班級與自我皆抱持正面態度與高度認同 感,普通班則因缺少肯定而顯得悲觀,產生學習意願低落甚至自我放棄的情形。 在未來生涯規劃方面,美術班被期許往升學之路邁進,以考上公立高中為首選, 普通班則被鼓勵養成生活與工作能力,多數學生以高職為目標。
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