Volume 52 No.4 - 2006-12-31

The Student Disciplinary System in the U.K. and Taiwan: A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Educational Law

中英學生管教制度之比較研究── 教育法學之觀點

Bin Lin / 林 斌
student discipline, corporal punishment, educational law / 管教、體罰、教育法學
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
Although there have been many discipline problems in primary and junior high schools in Taiwan, studies have usually focused on the issue of corporal punishment, which is now taboo, while neglecting the imperfect structure of the student discipline system. The author conducted a comparative study of the compulsory education systems in Taiwan and the U.K. with regard to legislative modes, discipline measures, staff responsibility, parents’ duty and other disciplinary issues. From the perspective of educational law, a systematic analysis was undertaken; this led to the formulation of principles for a new policy, one whose purpose would be to modify the current student disciplinary system in Taiwan.
我國國民中小學學生管教爭議層出不窮,相關研究卻往往聚焦於體罰之禁止 與否,忽略了整體管教法制之結構性缺失。本研究透過系統化之分析架構,探討 學生管教之法理基礎,並從教育法學之觀點,在立法模式、管教措施、教育人員 權責、家長管教義務等事項,比較中、英兩國學生管教制度之異同,再針對我國 學生管教法制之修正,提出具體之政策原則。