Volume 52 No.1 - 2006-03-31

The Construction of a Multiple-IntelligenceOriented Science Learning System for Teaching Young Children the Concept of Weight

幼兒「重量概念」多元智能取向 科學學習系統之建構

Li-Chuan Chuang / 莊麗娟
multiple intelligences, weight, learning system / 多元智能、重量、學習系統
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
This aim of this project was to construct a multiple-intelligence-oriented preschool science learning and assessment system for teaching young children the concept of weight. Children’s learning activities were designed within the framework of Knower (exploration), Doer (technological construction), and Dreamer (problem solving), highlighting the scaffolding function in the learning situation. Assessment was three-dimensional: the scientific ability, intelligence and working style of young children were evaluated; there were construction and multiple analyses of students’ portfolios. This learning and assessment system was evaluated by experts from the fields of scientific education, cognitive psychology, education assessment and early childhood psychology, and found to be appropriate and effective. It cam be an effective means for enhancing young children’s conceptualization ability, procedural skills and learning motivation, and also facilitate the testing of children’s intelligence potential as early as possible.
為提昇概念體系的有效發展,本研究嘗試以重量概念為主題,分析其發展脈 絡,並融合多元智能理念,建構幼兒科學學習系統。該系統在學習活動方面設計 「探索(Knower)→器械建構(Doer)→問題解決(Dreamer)」三叢集活動,強 調學習情境與學習引導的鷹架性;在評量活動方面則設計「科學能力智能傾向 -工作風格」三向度評估,著重歷程檔案的建構與多層次分析。經科學教育、認 知心理、測驗評量、資深幼教教師等專家評估,一致認為本系統具有多項特色, 並有高度的「向度完整性」、「認知符合度」、「思考挑戰性」、「型式創意性」、「鷹 架流暢性」及「情境合宜性」;其可深化概念認知、提昇過程技能、促進學習動機, 並能及早窺探智能傾向,兼具適切性與效益性。
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