Volume 51 No.4 - 2005-12-31

From “Role” to “Self”: An Investigation of the Problems and Possibilities of Teacher Change

從「角色」到「自我」 論教師改變的歷史困境與可能

Teng Huang / 黃 騰
teacher change, teacher professionalism, poststructuralism / 教師改變、教師專業、後結構主義
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
This research project is based on a post-structuralist perspective; it uses the notion of “teacher role” to reflect on the problems of “teacher change.” The empirical-rational model tends to be limited by the inhibitions of a national bureaucracy, the demands of social transformation, and the “consumerism” of professional knowledge, inasmuch as these three factors tend to make educational reform and teacher change unsuccessful. Even when using the word “professionalism” for “teacher change,” most people still can’t avoid thinking of “teaching” (or “being a teacher”) as a role. Due to this situation, I am suggesting here that we begin to think from another point of view—that of the “teacher self”—in order to more readily create the possibility of genuine teacher change. Based on the reflections and criticisms of post-structuralism, there are three possible ways to make teacher change happen: by performing a social-historical critique, by engaging in dialogue with others as a form of “narrative,” and by developing the “phronesis” of the self.
本研究從後結構歷史批判的觀點出發,反省當前以「教師角色」作為教師改 變的思考模式。這種「實徵—理性」的模式常會落入國家官僚體制、社會變遷下 的需求、專家知識的消費者之限制,使得教育改革及教師改變不得其效。即使為 教師角色冠上「專業自主」的口號,也難以逃脫「教師角色」的思考。因此,本 文建議從另一個角度「教師自我」來思考教師改變的可能性。根據後結構的 思考及反省,本文提出三種可能的途徑:歷史性的社會批判、與他者對話的自傳 敘事、發展自我的實踐智慧。
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