Volume 51 No.1 - 2005-03-31

On Passing the University’s Tasks into the Hands of “Administrative Legal Persons”: A Critique from the Perspective of Governmental Reengineering


Chien-Yuan Tseng Hsi-Fong Chen / 曾建元 陳錫鋒
government reengineering, administrative legal persons, national university, university law / 政府改造、行政法人、國立大學、大學法
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As the result of a reform movement that began in the 1980s, Taiwan’s government has recently granted the public universities the status of “administrative legal persons.” Since this gives the universities more autonomy, effectively decreasing the degree of governmental control of national university administrations, we might think these universities would be happy with their new legal status, but in fact they are not. This paper explains why. It first introduces the institution of “administrative legal person” and then critiques it from the perspective of government reengineering.
公立大學之公法人化,本為臺灣 1980 年代《大學法》改革運動的主要主張, 其精神即在於要求政府對大學的管制鬆綁,使大學擁有自治權力。故政府推動之 組織再造方案,國立大學行政法人化的政策方向,似乎符應高等教育改革之趨勢, 應會得到國立大學之響應與支持。但事實正好相反,《大學法修正草案》增訂之第 二章「行政法人國立大學」,卻遭到許多國立大學的反對。本文擬就臺灣政府推動 組織改造的基本理念和來龍去脈,評介行政法人制度及該制度在國立大學的適用 上所可能產生的各種問題。