Volume 49 No.2 - 2003-06-30

Changes in the Underutilization of the College-educated Labor Force: Worsening or Improving?


Min-Chieh Tseng* Jen-Hao Lai** / 曾敏傑、賴人豪
Expansion of higher education、Underutilization of the labor force、Labor market / 高等教育、勞動市場、勞動力低度運用
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
In consideration of the three stages of expansion in higher educationin Taiwan, the major purpose of this study was to examine the degrees of andchanges in the underutilization of the college-educated labor force whose workexperience was no longer than two years. The data of the 1984, 1993, and 2001Manpower Utilization Survey were analyzed, and the results indicated that: first, both the probability and the degree of having an inadequate number of workinghours continually increased from 1984 to 2001; second, the probabilities anddegrees of receiving low earnings, and of there being a mismatch of educationand occupation, and of discipline and occupation gradually decreased between1984 and 2001; last, the rate and probability of unemployment remained almoststable between 1984 and 2001. Generally speaking, no significant edvidence wasfound to support the argument that the expansion of higher education has had theresult of worsening the degrees of and changes in the underutilization of thecollege-educated labor force in Taiwan.