Volume 48 No.1 - 2002-03-31

Teachers and Students in the Process of Curriculum Development--Tylerist and Reconceptualist Perspectives


Shu-Ching Chou / 周淑卿
Curriculum development、Understanding curriculum、Teacher-pupil relationship / 課程發展、課程理解、師生關係
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In Tyler’s tradition, curriculum is designed by professionals outside of schools. Teachers must loyally implement the given plan, and students become the stock of packaged knowledge. In the process of Curriculum development, humans become the object controlled by curriculum. The Reconceptualist emphasizes that “curriculum” is the journey to seek life meanings for teachers and students. Lacking the interchange of life experiences between them, the curriculum is meaningless.As an institutional text, curriculum is developed in the traditional engineering model in most countries. Central or local governments usually design the goals of attainment or programs of study, then assess student achievement. Under the curriculum framework, teachers, like technical workers, transmit the prescribed knowledge according to a given plan. The curriculum in their life world is oppressed. However, Teacher curriculum consciousness and critical action are the keys to unfolding a way to well-being.There will not be a true curriculum reform until teachers and students become the subject of curriculum.