Volume 44 - 2000-01-31

Education Reform Facing the New Millenium--Methodological Reflection and International Comparison


Shen-Keng Yang / 楊深坑
Education reform、Methodology、International comparison / 教育改革、方法論、國際比較
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This paper presents an international comparison on the strategies of education reform coping with the socio-cultural challenges of the new millenium. Following the decline of theories of educational borrowing and positivism in comparative education, the rising postmodernism in 1990s advocates the locality of truth and merchandise logic in the socio-cultural process. Influenced by the postmodernism and economic reactionalism, many countries adopt market mechanism in education reform to secure their international competitiveness. The sole role of the state is to set up the rules of competition in education market through legalization. Not going against the worldwide current, Taiwan also adopts deregulation as the motto of education reform. Serious educational problems caused by the imbalance between competition and social justice, between the power of private sector, parents, school and government are waiting for feasible resolution. Therefore recommendations are proposed to set up a continuous reform mechanism for the betterment of education.