Volume 42 - 1999-01-31

Educational Voucher policy in the R.O.C : What We Learn from the U.S.A Experience


Bih-Jen Fwu / 符碧真
Educational vouchers、Family choice、School choice、Parental choice / 教育券、家庭選擇學校、家庭選擇
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
During the past few years, the ROC Ministry of Education (MOE) has been making great efforts to narrow the gap between public and private schools. A proposed plan of educational vouchers, offering each student enrolled in private post-junior-high schools NT$10,000 a year, has been considered one way of carrying out these efforts. However, the proposal has caused a great controversy, because the implementation of the plan costs an enormous amount of money─about one tenth of the MOE's annual budget. Educational voucher plans have been at issue for decades in the U.S.A. By introducing market force into the educational system, voucher plans have attempted to improve the quality of education, to provide equal opportunity of education for the under-privileged, and to give parents freedom to choose schools for their children. The ROC's plan claims goals similar to those of U.S.A. plans, but its design does not seem to catch the essence of vouchers. This article attempts to learn lessons from the U.S.A. and to provide policy implications for the ROC.