Volume 39 - 1997-11-30

The Hermeneutic Educational Reform: Taking the Claim of “Expanding Senior High School and Universities” for Example


Shu-Mei Chang / 張淑媚
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There are two main purposes in this paper. First, the author tries to identify that educational reform is the process of interpretation. Among so many different interpretations, there still be critical, even contradictory points, how can we distinguish what is right from wrong? With the views above, trying to integrate the different interpretations is the second concern. To reach these two purposes, the author examines them in the views of hermeneutics by taking“expanding senior high schools and universities”as an analysis for a deeper perspectives.
本文以教育改革為一詮釋過程作為立論基礎,並從『是否廣設高中大學』此一爭議性的教改主張切入,從詮釋學的演變進行察考。從海德格(Martin Heidegger)及加達美(Hans-Georg Gadamer)以來近代詮釋學經歷了重大轉變,將詮釋概念視為人類的存在性徵,人的存在並非一靜態的抽象概念,人是基於對存有的理解,開展自我,進行詮釋,所以每一個開展的存在活動都是詮,因而教育改革也是一種詮釋。然而,對教改主張所開展出的不同詮釋,甚至截然不同的詮釋,應如何面對?在詮釋學發展中,也正透顯出加達美詮釋學的不足。對此,筆者繼續提出呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur, 1913-)的觀點進行思考。呂氏提出『採距性』(distanciation)的觀念彌補加達美過於重視隸屬性「belongingness」之不足,並以之對廣設高中大學的議題進行分析。