Volume 49 No.4 - 2003-12-31

Are Teachers Professional Educators or Loyal Implementers with Conceptual Simplicity? A Study of Cultural Reproduction


Tien-Hui Chiang / 姜添輝
Cultural reproduction、Instrumental rationality、Anti-intellectualism / 文化再製、工具理性、反智主義
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Some sociologists have recently argued that social reproduction is determined more by cul?tural than by economic factors. From their viewpoint, social mobility is generally condi?tioned by schools through the unique structure of curricular knowledge, and such a social control mechanism is largely reliant upon teachers due to their key role in the process of delivering teaching practices. This study attempted to examine the characteristics of teachers’ values and behavior by means of qualitative data collected from 7 primary teach?ers in 24 interviews. Research evidence showed that instead of asking “why,” our infor?mants were generally more concerned with “how” in their quest to achieve pre-determined educational goals. Under the constraints of such an instrumental rationality, they can be characterized as loyal implementers with conceptual simplicity. This phenomenon results from the lack of a critical-cultural vision. This simplistic and anti-intellectual mind-set made our informants neglect the problem of the educational system itself, and instead blame factors outside the system like parents’ values or efforts and pupils’ intellectual capaci?ties. Furthermore, their behavior was generally constrained within the limits of a psycho?logical orientation, as seen in their ways of managing under-achieving students. How?ever, such an approach was not only unable to help these students; it was also likely to increase the possibility of cultural reproduction.