Volume 49 No.4 - 2003-12-31

Analysis of the Factors that Drive Organizational Learning in Schools


H. C. P. Wei* Y. L. Jack Lam** H. L. W. Pan*** M. F. D. Chang**** C. M. Marshall Chan***** / 魏惠娟、林怡禮、潘慧玲、張明輝、陳嘉彌
Organizational learning、Schools、Transformative leadership / 組織學習、學校、領導
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that drive schools to become learn?ing organizations and to describe the characteristics of such organizations. The methodol?ogy used in this study includes both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the data were collected through a survey consisting of four components and a structured interview following the survey. The sample comprised 51 primary and 37 secondary schools. The results show that the external environment, including political factors, provides an incentive for organizational change. However, environmental stimuli were not the dominant forces that bring about continuing organizational learning. The internal conditions of schools, such as transformative leadership, positive school cultures, and supportive structures, are the most critical elements in promoting organizational change, irrespective of the type and na?ture of schools or individual background factors. In conclusion, it is the school leaders, through their voluntary choices, who bring about organizational change.