Volume 40 - 1998-01-31

Study on the Relation between the Curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training and the Development of the Study of Education in France


Yang Szu-Wei / 楊思偉
Educational science、Curriculum of the initial teacher training、IUFM、University institutes for teacher training / 教育科學、師資培育學程、大學師資養成學院
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The main purpose of this research is to study the evolution of the system and curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training in France from its beginning to the present, and the relation between the curriculum of the Initial Teacher Training and the development of the study of education. The major findings of this study are as fallows:i. The study of education in France has made remarkable progress from 1967 because it started the 「Education science」 field in University.ii. The IUFM system was formed in 1989, and has brought the Initial Teacher Training system into a new era.iii. The results of the study of education reflect one of the factors, not the major one, which influenced the policy of the Initial Teaching Training.