Volume 68 No.1(Open Access) - 2022-03-31

Who Are the Exam-Retakers? Investigating Retaker’s Trend, Demographic Characteristics and Field Preferences Using Administrative Data


Shu-Chen Wang, Wan-Chi Chen / 王淑貞、陳婉琪
college entrance examination, administrative data, exam-retakers / 大學入學考試、行政資料、重考生
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
  Using the administrative data from College Entrance Examination Center, this study investigates retaking trends, demographic characteristics and field preference. Findings include: (1)There is indeed an increasing trend of exam-retaking since 2018. (2) Generally speaking, those who score higher have higher retaking rate than those who score lower do; males are more likely to become retakers than females; students from low-income families have lower retaking rate. (3) Students from urban areas or from high schools with higher mean scores have higher retaking rate; students from Southern Taiwan have a slightly higher rate of exam-retaking. (4) Comparing three college-entrance channel, first-time takers who got admitted through the last channel (examination and allocation) have much higher retaking rate than those admitted through the other two channels (star program and admission via application program). (5) Comparing the fields of first-time takers who got admitted in, the top three fields with highest retaking rate are: "Medicine, Health and Social Welfare", "Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary Medicine" and "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics". Overall, exam-retaking is more likely to be related to severe competition for certain "dream departments", especially medicine.



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