Volume 67 No.1 - 2021-03-31

Using Reality Games in Off-Campus Teaching to Deepen Students’ Engaged Learning and Understanding: The Case of “Inquiring After Mackay’s Footprints”


Li-Hua Chen, Wei-Ling Yeh, Yueh-Mei Lin, Chao-Yueh Cheng, Hui-Mei Fan / 陳麗華、葉韋伶、林月梅、鄭詔月、范惠美
off-campus teaching, competence-based curriculum and teaching design, engaged learning, reality game, understandings / 校外教學、素養導向課程與教學設計、參與式學習、實境體驗遊戲、學習理解
  • Summary
  • Chinese Summary
  • Reference
  • Scholarly references
Integrating three elements of reality games into the development of a project named “Exploring Mackay’s Footprints,” this research investigates how reality games can be used in off-campus teaching to deepen students’ engaged learning and understanding. After the implementation the three elements of reality games, namely, puzzle solving, embodied experience and group performance into designing the off- campus teaching project, the students’ learning performances were examined. The opinions and feedbacks of students, teachers, and volunteer parents were collected through observations, interviews and document analysis. Qualitative research approach was adopted into data collection, analysis and interpretation. The research results include, firstly, three elements of reality games and one digital puzzle-solving technique comprised in the project, secondly, multi-faceted engagements shown during students’ learning targets, learning processes, themes, relationships, and the human environment, and thirdly, multi-faceted understandings of explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, and empathy achieved from students’ inquiry. Finally, the article ends with six practical wisdoms for competence-based curriculum and proposal of teaching design.
目前學校辦理的校外教學,普遍欠缺十二年國教倡議的素養導向教學精神。 而風靡於青少年世代的實境解謎遊戲,具有謎題破解、身體經驗、群體表演等 設計要素,與素養導向設計若合符節,展現新世代的學習樣態。為此,本計畫透 過與新北市淡水區國小之教師社群協作,將實境體驗遊戲的設計元素融入〈尋訪 馬偕足跡〉校外探究學習方案的設計中,並在實施後檢視學生的學習表現。本計 畫採用質性研究取徑,過程中兼採觀察、訪談、文件分析等資料蒐集與分析技 術,彙集學生、教師及家長的意見和相關文件,加以分析、歸納和詮釋。研究結果顯示:一、在方案設計方面,能涵蓋實境體驗遊戲的三大要素及融入數位解題 技術;二、在學習過程中,學生能展現學習事物、學習歷程、題材脈絡、人脈關 係、人類環境等多面向的參與和探究學習樣態;三、在學習結果方面,學生對主 題的探究學習達到說明、詮釋、應用、觀點、同理心等多面向的理解,惟自我認 識面向的理解較不明顯。研究最後提出六項落實素養導向課程與教學的實踐智 慧。


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