Volume 47 - 2001-07-31

The Relationship between Education and Life: Interpretation of Education--John Dewey's Philosophy


Show-Jane Lin / 林秀珍
Education as life、Life as education、John Dewey / 教育即生活、生活即教育、杜威
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Life-centered curriculum is the current educational reformation in Taiwan. In order to explore the meaning of life oriented reformation, it is important to find the relationship between education and life. Since “Education as Life” and “Life as Education” are popular slogans, this paper aims to compare their different meanings on the basis of John Dewey’s philosophy of education.The major findings of this paper are as follows:1. “Education as Life” is better than “Life as Education” to express Dewey’s philosophy of education.2. According to Dewey’s point of view, “Education as Life” could have two meanings:First, a separation usually exists between the life-experiences of students and the subject-matter learned in the classroom. John Dewey advocated an education based on experience and made great effort to integrate the experiences taking place through in-school activities and the experiences taking place elsewhere. To sum up, schooling can not be separated from daily life.Second, “Education as Life” means education is a mode of demo-cratic life, i.e., the school should be a miniature democratic community.