Volume 47 - 2001-07-31

Parent Involvement in Education: Practitioners' and Scholars' Perspectives


Di-Lu Wu / 吳璧如
Parent involvement、Content analysis / 家長參與學校教育、內容分析法
  • Summary
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The purpose of this study was to obtain the opinions of practitioners and scholars on four issues in parent involvement in education. There were 22 experts surveyed for the open-ended questionnaires. Then a quantitative content analysis of the data was conducted. The findings of the study include: 1. The main parent involvement roles are Supporter and Teacher; 2. Parents need to be involved primarily because of the benefits of parent involvement; 3. The main types of parent involvement are Volunteering and Decision-making; 4. The obstacles to parent involvement include primarily psychological and physical barriers of parents and the negative attitudes of school personnel.