Volume 47 - 2001-07-31

The Myth of Teacher Empowerment in Curriculum Decision-making--A Discussion on Centralization and Decentralization


Shu-Ching Chou / 周淑卿
Grade 1-9 curriculum framework、Teacher professionalization、Empowerment / 九年一貫課程、教師專業、賦權
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In the 1990s, the centralization in curriculum policy was strengthened in some English-speaking countries, such as the United Kingdom, America, New Zealand and Australia. National curriculum and national testing became the common means to control school curriculum. In addition, the decentralization trend is observed from privatization, marketization and site-based management. However, parents usually choose schools for children according to the performance indicators such as “examination league tables”. Consequently the schools must follow the national curriculum. The marketization signifying decentralization and the national curriculum representing centralization altogether strengthen the state authority over schools and result in teacher de-professionalization.In Taiwan, school-based curriculum development has become the symbol of decentralization and teacher empowerment. However, the real power of curriculum decision-making is not granter to teachers. The teacher role is still the executer. It is not appropriate to claim that school-based curriculum development results in teacher empowerment.This paper asserts that the real empowerment should involve growing of professional competence and increase of power.