Volume 47 - 2001-07-31

The Application of European Psychoanalysis in Education: Analysis and Criticism


Shu-Mei Chang / 張淑媚
Psycho-analysis、Freud、Anna Freud、Sigmund / 心理分析、心理分析導向的教育、佛洛依德、安娜佛洛依德、教育改革
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This article discusses the relationship between psycho-analysis and educational theory. The psycho-analytical approach has been applied to educational praxis in the past and has left its mark on the history of European education. However, since World War Ⅱ, the psycho-analytical education lost much of its significance, mainly due to three reasons: insufficiencies in educational praxis, unsolvable theoretical problems and the renewed efforts to apply psycho-analysis in medical sphere. However, psycho-analysis has had a tremendous influence on educational theory and praxis.